P. Diddy and Black Power

Posted on February 27, 2012


Last night at the NBA All Star Game Slam Dunk Contest P. Diddy was asked to say a few words.  He thrust a fist into the air and yelled about black power.  Why do some black  people do this?  Is it because they were oppressed generations ago?

Guess who was oppressed farther back and more perhaps worse than black people  – Jewish people.  They were oppressed for years and years and years and years in ancient times and they were more than oppressed by Hitler.  Do you see Jewish people yelling about Jew power?  I think not.

The Romans oppressed and enslaved people in what is now Europe and other places.  Do you see any white European’s with ancestors who were oppressed and enslaved  by the Romans yelling about white power?  I think not.

I have absolutely nothing against anyone because of skin color or religions beliefs, except for the extremists who want to wipe Israel off the map and destroy America, but I am really tired of “minorities” getting away with things white folks would be crucified for.

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